Publicaciones y materiales de referencia

WIEGO elabora varias publicaciones y diversos materiales de referencia – desde libros hasta notas informativas, videos y paquetes de capacitación para las trabajadoras y trabajadores. Pueden descargarse de forma gratuita.

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Videos / Presentaciones de diapositivas / Audio

Millions of women work long hours, in dangerous conditions, for little pay. They are fighting for change, with the help of ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. Watch this video to learn how.

Educación de trabajadorxs/Materiales para la organización
This manual helps street vendors learn more about the regulations that govern public space and how to defend the right to work in public space. It describes successful actions taken by street vendor organizations. And it offers information to help you organize and negotiate with local government.
Documentos de trabajo de WIEGO
Mike Rogan reviews how informal workers are taxed, why there is growing interest in taxing them, and whether they should be included in the tax net.