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Past Event

Law, Justice and Development Week 2017

  • November 6, 2017 - November 10, 2017
Workers in the informal economy from six different sectors. A Domestic Worker, a Garment Worker, a Home-Based Worker, a Street Vendors / Market Trader, a Transport Worker, and a Waste Picker.

Washington DC, USA

Law, Justice and Development Week 2017

The Law, Justice and Development Week 2017 took place from November 6th to 10th, in Washington DC, United States. The event was organized by the World Bank, and gathered specialists from several areas to discuss issues around the theme of gender inequality.

The event aimed to discuss legal and regulatory frameworks critical to formulating, revising and enforcing relevant national and international laws, programs, policies and National Strategic Plans on gender equality.  Furthermore, participants debated policies to enhance women’s voice and capacity as well as to remove barriers to women’s access to health, education, jobs, ownership and control of productive assets, amongst other issues.

WIEGO’s International Coordinator, Marty Chen, as well as WIEGO’s Law Programme Coordinator Marlese von Broembsen and WIEGO’s Waste Specialist Sonia Dias attended the event. Marlese and Sonia spoke at the session “Creating an Enabling Legal Environment for Informal Workers: Examples of Inclusive Development from the Global South”. Marty was the chair the same session and made the introductory remarks.

There was a live broadcast of the event on Youtube.

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