Impact of public health measures on informal workers’ livelihoods: Rapid assessment
Between 23 March - 8 April, WIEGO conducted a rapid assessment to understand how COVID-19 and the related public health measures are impacting informal workers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This document contains what WIEGO learned.
The rapid assessment included interviews with 21 national or local member-based organizations (MBOs), five regional and global networks of informal workers organizations, as well as a research institute and an NGO that work closely with informal workers.
The organizations interviewed represent mainly domestic workers, home-based workers, street vendors and market traders, and waste pickers.
- Analysis in OECD Development Matters blog: Laura Alfers, Jenna Harvey and Rachel Moussié, who led the rapid assessment, share insights--and assert that short-term safety nets are important in the immediate crisis, but longer-term thinking about recovery and income security for informal workers should be part of the policy response.
More about informal workers in different sectors
- WASTE PICKERS: Essential Service Providers at Risk
- HOME-BASED WORKERS Face a New Kind of Isolation
- DOMESTIC WORKERS: Frontline Care Workers at Risk
- STREET VENDORS: Essential Goods and Urgent Needs
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