All posts in Waste Pickers
Research Reports
COVID-19 Crisis: Understanding the Immediate Impacts on Waste Pickers
COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy Policy Insights No. 7 Key findings and policy recommendations pertaining to waste pickers based...
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COVID-19 and Informal Work: Distinct Pathways of Impact and Recovery in 11 Cities Around the World
This paper presents findings from a study on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on informal workers in 11 cities across 5 regions of the world...
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Документ с изложением позиции относительно расширения охвата социальной защиты на женщин и мужчин в неформальной экономике
Пандемия COVID-19 лишний раз показала, что сейчас, более чем когда-либо, нельзя прийти к социальной справедливости и восстановлению экономики...
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Documento de posicionamento sobre a extensão da proteção social para mulheres e homens na economia informal
A pandemia da COVID-19 ressalta, agora mais do que nunca, que a justiça social e a recuperação econômica não podem ser alcançadas até que...
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Position Paper on Extending Social Protection to Women and Men in the Informal Economy, prepared for the 109th Session of the International Labour Conference
The COVID-19 pandemic underscores, now more than ever, that social justice and economic recovery cannot be achieved until every worker has...
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Reduzindo a poluição do litoral: o papel crucial dos trabalhadores informais
O ecossistema marinho de Salvador é especialmente vulnerável à poluição causada pelo plástico proveniente de resíduos gerados por foliões...
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કોવિડ-૧૯ કટોકટી અને અસંગઠિત અર્થતંત્ર: અસંગઠિત કામદારો, અમદાવાદ, ભારત
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Curbing Coastal Pollution: Informal Workers’ Critical Role
Salvador’s marine ecosystem is particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution from waste material generated by revellers at the Barra-Ondina...
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Ecosystem of Waste: The Role of Waste Pickers and Street Vendors in Curbing Coastal Pollution at Carnaval in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 23, 2021“Las bonitas”
Esta es la historia de Jennifer Thaís Santos Fernandes, la secretaria de la cooperativa de recicladorxs ASCITO, que cuenta con el apoyo de...
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