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Law & Informality Insights

A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers

By on September 02, 2022

This publication – A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers – describes the steps taken to engage in a regional strategy for the recognition of homeworkers as legitimate supply chain workers entitled to labour rights, benefits and protections. Since this is an ongoing process, we offer this as a reflection and invite engagement. We describe the WIEGO network’s strategies for homeworkers’ inclusion in international law instruments in general and in the EU Human Rights Due Diligence legislative process in particular, under these headings:

  1. Identifying sources of power
  2. Building the capacity of home-based worker organizations
  3. Building alliances
  4. Identifying strategic inputs and key messages
  5. The next phase of advocacy

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Law & Informality Highlights - September 2022
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Citation Information

Broembsen, Marlese v. A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers. WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6, , . WIEGO, 2022. 2022 for web.pdfBroembsen, M. v. (2022). A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers. WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6, , . 2022 for web.pdfBroembsen, Marlese v. "A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers." WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6, WIEGO, 2022, .Broembsen Marlese v. "A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers." WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6 (2022). 2022 for web.pdfBroembsen, M v 2022, 'A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers', WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6, , . 2022 for web.pdfMarlese v Broembsen, 'A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers' (2022) WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6 Broembsen M. v. A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers. WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6. 2022. 2022 for web.pdfBroembsen, Marlese v. A Chain is as Strong as its Weakest Link: Strategies for International Supply Chain Legislation to Include Homeworkers. WIEGO Law & Informality Insights No. 6. 2022. , . 2022 for web.pdf

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.