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Statistical Briefs

The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022

By , on April 26, 2023

This brief describes the unprecedented census of waste pickers that took place in 2012 in Bogota, as mandated by rulings of the Constitutional Court of Colombia. It also describes the registration system that was put in place to update yearly information on Bogota’s waste pickers. The national government of Colombia then mandated cities throughout the country establish similar data collection efforts. The experience in Bogota provides a detailed guide for other municipalities.

The data collection efforts described in the brief illustrate a data source increasingly recognized by official statistics: citizen-generated data. Broadly defined, citizen-generated data is the direct involvement of citizens in any of the multiple stages of producing the data that describe them. It is an especially important data source for groups that are not well measured in the standard data collection instruments of national statistics as is the case for waste pickers. The Colombia data were produced with the involvement of waste pickers and not only contribute to public awareness but also provide key information for the implementation of programmes to benefit waste pickers.

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A human-powered vehicle called ‘Zorro’. Credit: Federico Parra, 2016
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Citation Information

Parra, Federico, and Vanek, Joann. The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35, , . WIEGO, 2023., F., and Vanek, J. (2023). The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35, , ., Federico, and Vanek, Joann. "The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022." WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35, WIEGO, 2023, .Parra Federico, and Vanek Joann. "The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022." WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35 (2023)., F, and Vanek, J 2023, 'The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022', WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35, , . Parra, and Joann Vanek, 'The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022' (2023) WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35 Parra F., and Vanek J. The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35. 2023., Federico, and Vanek, Joann. The Collection of Data on Waste Pickers in Colombia, 2012-2022. WIEGO Statistical Brief No. 35. 2023. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.