All posts in Colombia
Advocacy Materials
Social Protection Responses Brief 7 – Spanish
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COVID-19 Crisis Study October 08, 2020El reciclaje en Colombia: Un servicio esencial en tiempos de COVID-19
En un seminario virtual de la serie La voz de las trabajadoras y trabajadores, Nohra Padilla, líder de la Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study October 08, 2020Recycling in Colombia: An Essential Service in the Time of COVID-19
In a webinar from WIEGO’s Workers´ Voices series, Nohra Padilla—leader of the Waste Pickers Association of Bogotá and ANR—shares with other...
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Global Advocacy and Negotiations December 16, 2019Looking Back at 2019: Informal Workers Demanded Change — and Won
In 2019, informal workers made some noise — in their home cities and at the highest global change-making bodies. They took to the streets,...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019Inclusive recycling with waste pickers in Medellin?
By Federico Parra & Olga Abizaid Medellin has recently been touted as a poster city for urban development. In recent years, the city...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019¿Reciclaje inclusivo con recicladoras y recicladores en Medellín?
Por Federico Parra y Olga Abizaid Recientemente, Medellín ha sido alabada como una ciudad modelo en materia de desarrollo urbano. En los...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019Five Case Studies that Illustrate Steps Toward an Inclusive City
Creating “inclusive cities” is a hot topic right now. Habitat III has just wound up in Quito, Ecuador – the UN’s urban conference that brought...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019Inclusive Cities for Informal Workers
In most developing countries, well over half the urban workforce is informal. Yet informal workers – and their livelihoods –...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019A New Research Study Gives Voice to Waste Pickers
The fact that waste pickers are capable of voicing their concerns, responding to challenges, and contributing to cities and to the urban...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019Ciudades inclusivas para los trabajadores en empleo informal
En la mayoría de los países en desarrollo, mucho más de la mitad de la fuerza de trabajo urbana es informal. Pero las trabajadoras y los...
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