All posts in Bangladesh
Project Reports
Technology and the Future of Work: Experiences of informal waste workers and street vendors in Dhaka, Lima, and Nairobi
“Through a year-long project supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, Practical Action and WIEGO (Women in Informal ...
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VIDEO: Bangladesh leather industry exposes workers to toxic hazards
From PBS NewsHour: “Rotting animal hides and toxic chemicals. That’s the stench emanating from a neighborhood in Bangladesh’s...
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Promotion of Decent Work for Homebased Workers
With a vision of improving living standards and securing workplace rights, decent work environments, living wages, and fostering social dialogue...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Local Governments Should Prioritize Health and Safety for Informal Workers
The deadly factory fire at Rana Plaza five years ago this week sparked global outrage about workers’ safety. The incident in Bangladesh prompted...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019La protection des travailleuses et des travailleurs à domicile dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales : évaluation de l’approche fondée sur les droits
Depuis l’effondrement tragique des bâtiments du Rana Plaza au Bangladesh en 2013, les manquements au travail décent dans les chaînes...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Protecting Homeworkers in Global Supply Chains: Evaluating The Rights-Based Approach
Since the tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza buildings in Bangladesh in 2013, the decent work deficits in global supply chains have enjoyed...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Protección de los y las trabajadoras a domicilio tercerizadas en las cadenas mundiales de suministro: evaluación del enfoque centrado en los derechos
Desde el trágico colapso, en 2013, de los edificios del Rana Plaza en Bangladés, las deficiencias en el respeto de los derechos fundamentales...
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Labour at Informal Economy (LIE)
Labour at Informal Economy (LIE) is a membership-based organization that represents 2,865 workers who work as street vendors, waste pickers,...
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