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Past Event

Identifying and addressing risks of informal work in textile supply chains

  • November 25, 2020
  • Online
Marlese Von Broembsen

Marlese von Broembsen, director of WIEGO’s law programme, presented at the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles virtual event focusing on the risks of informal work in textile supply chains.


Time: 3pm-4.15pm (GMT+1), 4pm-5.15pm (South African time), 9am-10.15am (EST)

The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles is a multi-stakeholder initiative with about 130 members from business, government, civil society, unions and standards organizations working together to improve the conditions within global textile supply networks — from production of raw materials to re-use and disposal. The EU will be issuing an EU Directive by 2021 that will mean every EU Country will have to promulgate “Mandatory Due Diligence of Supply Chains” legislation.

Marlese’s talk included an overview of the risks of informal work, where informal work occurs in the supply chain, and why companies should support homeworkers. She explained how brands can implement the OECD due diligence on the garment and footwear sector to give effect to module 9 on homework.

Agenda (Session 4):

  • Introduction (Kristin Apffelstaedt, Secretary of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles)
  • Identifying and addressing risks of informal work with a focus on homework (Marlese von Broembsen, WIEGO)
  • Identifying and addressing risks of informal work for migrant workers (Sabine Ferenschild, Südwind)
  • The exercise of due diligence obligations in practice (speaker to be confirmed)
  • Outlook and discussion: How can the PsT facilitate the identification and addressing of risks? (Secretary of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles)

Learn more about WIEGO’s Law Programme