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Past Event

Together to achieve Universal Social Protection by 2030

  • February 5, 2019
Workers in the informal economy from six different sectors. A Domestic Worker, a Garment Worker, a Home-Based Worker, a Street Vendors / Market Trader, a Transport Worker, and a Waste Picker.

Geneva, Switzerland

“Women take on the larger share of care responsibilities and lack adequate maternity coverage. This highlights the importance of both Social Protection and social assistance targeted at women.”- Rachel Moussié, Deputy-Director Social Protection, WIEGO

Governments, multilateral actors and other national, regional and international organisations gathered at the ILO Headquarters in Geneva on February 5, 2019, for the High-Level Conference – Together to achieve Universal Social Protection by 2030.

The objective of this activity, which was organised by the EU and the ILO with support from the OECD was to facilitate an exchange on good practices and lessons learnt in delivering social protection to all and to identify innovative approaches. Additionally, governments from the  Global South were encouraged to commit to achieving universal social protection as outlined in the SDGs.  

The conference was also an opportunity to:

Deputy Director of Social Protection, Rachel Moussié, who represented WIEGO at this event, had the opportunity to present on extending social protection across the life cycle. Moreover, the organisers valued WIEGO’s expertise in the area of challenges informal workers face in accessing social protection and what governments can do about this.  

With many government representatives from the South in attendance, this was an opportunity to give visibility to informal workers’ struggles and share possible policy solutions.  

More information

Learn more about WIEGO’s Social Protection Programme

Read A joint mission and plan of action: Universal social protection to ensure that no one is left behind

Read Conference Agenda and Recordings

Read How the Draft WDR 2019 Got it Wrong: Rethinking and “Relinking” Social Protections for the Future of Work by Laura Alfers

Read USP2030 Action Plan