2022-2023 WIEGO Annual Report
The 2022-2023 Annual Report presents the details of WIEGO's 8th General Assembly. It outlines the objectives of our five-year strategic plan and underscores the significant milestones and main achievements accomplished in WIEGO's work. Additionally, the report provides an in-depth look at the various ways in which WIEGO supports workers in informal employment.
Available in English, Spanish and French
2021-2022 WIEGO Annual Report
The 2021-2022 Annual Report focuses on the main achievements of WIEGO’s work and describes how WIEGO programmes support workers in informal employment. As WIEGO celebrates its 25th anniversary, it shows some global-level highlights along the way to a quarter-century and reflects on the road ahead.
Available in English, Spanish and French
2020-2021 WIEGO Annual Report
The 2020-2021 Annual Report highlights the main achievements of WIEGO’s work and shows how WIEGO programmes support different sectors of informal workers. It also zooms in on WIEGO's work together with organizations of informal workers during the pandemic.
Available in English, Spanish and French
2019-2020 WIEGO Annual Report
The 2019-2020 Annual Report focuses on the impact of WIEGO’s work and how WIEGO programmes support different sectors of informal workers. It also highlights WIEGO's work at the beginning of the pandemic.
Available in English, Spanish and French
2018-2019 WIEGO Annual Report
This Annual Report details WIEGO's 7th General Assembly and our progress in achieving the goals of our five-year strategic plan. Publications, blogs and resources that highlight WIEGO's work and depth of knowledge are included.
Available in English, Spanish and French.