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Research Reports

Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews

By , on April 01, 2014

Informal workers and mobile technologyThis is a report of a small study done to explore how mobile phones are being used, and might be better used, to improve the health of informal workers. The findings reported here are from a rapid survey of membership based organizations (MBOs), international alliances of MBOs, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) supporting MBOs, WIEGO co-ordinators of city level work, and a workers’ health programme within a university department of public health. All of these have a commitment to supporting very poor informal workers. The study explored their involvement in health education, health campaigns, access to health services, and health insurance. It identified existing and planned modes of communication between organization leaders and members, and within regional and national alliances. It investigated in particular the use of mobile phones in health-related work and activities.

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Citation Information

Lund, Francie, and Alfers, Laura. Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews. , , . , 2014., F., and Alfers, L. (2014). Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews. , , ., Francie, and Alfers, Laura. "Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews." 2014, .Lund Francie, and Alfers Laura. "Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews." (2014)., F, and Alfers, L 2014, 'Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews', , , . Lund, and Laura Alfers, 'Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews' (2014). Lund F., and Alfers L. Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews. . 2014., Francie, and Alfers, Laura. Informal workers and the use of mobile technology and communications: Findings from key informant interviews. . 2014. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.