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Organizing Briefs

Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries

By on September 01, 2013

This organizing brief, written for researchers and activists concerned about informal workers, aims to capture the full range of or­ganizational forms for voice and represen­tation of informal workers, from formal union structures, to associations, to cooperatives, to global networks and with goals ranging from collective bargaining to mutual aid/self help, and collective economic action. This brief also provides a framework for tackling case study research.

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Citation Information

Carré, Françoise. Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries. WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8, , . WIEGO, 2013.é, F. (2013). Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries. WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8, , .é, Françoise. "Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries." WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8, WIEGO, 2013, .Carré Françoise. "Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries." WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8 (2013).é, F 2013, 'Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries', WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8, , .çoise Carré, 'Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries' (2013) WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8 Carré F. Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries. WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8. 2013.é, Françoise. Defining and Categorizing Organizations of Informal Workers in Developing and Developed Countries. WIEGO Organizing Brief No. 8. 2013. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.