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Past Event

Seminar on inclusive cities and waste pickers in Brescia, Italy

  • November 23, 2017
Workers in the informal economy from six different sectors. A Domestic Worker, a Garment Worker, a Home-Based Worker, a Street Vendors / Market Trader, a Transport Worker, and a Waste Picker.

Brescia, Italy

Waste Pickers in Brazil

Photo by: Juan Arredondo/Getty Images Reportage

The University of Brescia hosted the seminar “Inclusive Cities, urban livelihoods and women’s economic empowerment – the case of waste pickers” on November 23rd 2017, in Brescia.

WIEGO’s Waste Specialist Sonia Dias was one of the speakers at the event.
Sonia presented WIEGO aims, projects, and activities; discussed public policies of social inclusion in the waste collection sector; and introduced some concrete case studies.


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