Shalini Sinha

Shalini Sinha
Shalini Sinha
WIEGO Focal City Delhi (FCD) Coordinator
Cities are filled people who live and work in them – an oft-repeated mantra that rarely translates into the city planning process. It is important to see city planning much more than a centralised and top-down process of spatial management with a view to impose “order” and discipline on organic developments, as it has historically been viewed. Rather, planning needs to be informed by voices from the ground and be made bottom-up.
informal workers in Delhi; Delhi's urban planning and informal labour force; home-based workers, especially in South Asia; domestic workers in India

Quote above: Shalini writing for India Needs to Rethink Master Planning -- and Delhi Can Lead the Way.

As the India Country Representative, Shalini leads the Focal City Delhi team and writes regularly about informal worker issues in that city in the Delhi Diary.


VIDEO: Shalini Sinha, WIEGO's India Country Representative and a home-based workers sector specialistO, speaks after a panel discussionon "Informal Livelihoods and Inclusive Urban Planning," held at UN Habitat's Urban Thinkers Campus, India, in October 2015.


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