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Research Reports

Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana

By , on January 01, 2011

OHS Indigenous Caterers

The working conditions of many informal workers, especially those working in urban public spaces, are significantly affected by the policies, regulations and actions of local government. An important aspect of WIEGO’s OHS Project has been to widen the institutional definition of Occupational Health & Safety to include local government health and safety systems.

Based on 20 in-depth interviews, Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers explores the relationship between national and local health systems and Accra’s Indigenous Caterers who operate in markets, transport hubs and sometimes out of their own homes. The report focuses on work related ill health and injury amongst the Indigenous Caterers and their employees, access to Ghana’s National Health Insurance, as well as interactions with local government health and safety systems. This exploratory study also includes information on the study participant’s work histories, employment creation in Chop Bars, and comments on the organizational dynamics of the Indigenous Caterer’s Association of Ghana.


WIEGO’s Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) for Informal Workers research papers seek to expand the knowledge base on occupational health and safety in informal places of work.


Main thematic areas include:

  • institutional issues in extending OHS services to informal workers
  • regulation of OHS
  • data collection on work-related health and disease amongst the informal workforce.

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Citation Information

Alfers, Laura, and Abban, Ruth. Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana. , , . , 2011., L., and Abban, R. (2011). Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana. , , ., Laura, and Abban, Ruth. "Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana." 2011, .Alfers Laura, and Abban Ruth. "Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana." (2011)., L, and Abban, R 2011, 'Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana', , , . Alfers, and Ruth Abban, 'Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana' (2011). Alfers L., and Abban R. Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana. . 2011., Laura, and Abban, Ruth. Occupational Health & Safety for Indigenous Caterers in Accra, Ghana. . 2011. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.