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Policy Briefs

Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India

By on April 01, 2010

Increased urbanization in India has meant more poor people live in hazardous conditions, lacking access to even basic facilities and services. In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, a large population lives within the city’s 1,000 slums. For informal workers whose homes double as their workplaces, shelter and services are crucial issues.

This brief describes how the Mahila Housing Trust, sister organization to the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), has partnered with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, international organizations and local residents to deliver a slum improvement programme that provides basic infrastructure, improving the life, health and well-being of residents.

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Citation Information

Rusling, Sara. Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India. WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1, , . WIEGO, 2010., S. (2010). Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India. WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1, , ., Sara. "Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India." WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1, WIEGO, 2010, .Rusling Sara. "Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India." WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1 (2010)., S 2010, 'Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India', WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1, , . Rusling, 'Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India' (2010) WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1 Rusling S. Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India. WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1. 2010., Sara. Approaches to Basic Service Delivery for the Working Poor: Assessing the Impact of Mahila Housing Trust’s Parivartan Slum Upgrading Programme in Ahmedabad, India. WIEGO Policy Brief No. 1. 2010. , .

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WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.