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Books & Book Chapters

Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá

By on January 01, 2012

Climate Change, Sustainability and BusinessThis chapter illuminates the crucial and often unrecognized role that developing world informal recyclers play in reducing the risks associated with climate change.


“Project Pennsylvania,” a pilot program launched by four multinational corporations and a nongovernmental organization in Bogotá, Colombia, serves as an illustrative example that highlights how innovative recycling partnerships can contribute to efficient solid waste management systems in low-income countries as well as provide environmental, economic, and social risk reduction and value creation.

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Citation Information

Martinez, Candace. Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá. , , . , 2012., C. (2012). Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá. , , ., Candace. "Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá." 2012, .Martinez Candace. "Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá." (2012)., C 2012, 'Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá', , , . Martinez, 'Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá' (2012). Martinez C. Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá. . 2012., Candace. Climate Change and Informal Recycling: An NGO and a Private Sector Partnership in Bogotá. . 2012. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.