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Research Reports

10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project

By on August 01, 2012

Ten Years Better Cambodia ProjectFrom Clean Clothes Campaign: Started in 2001, the goal of the Better Factories program is to improve the working conditions in Cambodian factories and end sweat-shop production. The report discusses the BFC’s achievements and limitations from a worker rights’ perspective.

CCC and CLCE conclude that Cambodian labour rights organisations consider the BFC as a positive development, though working conditions in Cambodia’s garment industry remain very poor generally. 'The real wages workers receive have actually declined 14 per cent since 2000 in relation to inflation rates. In other words, garment workers have become poorer since the Better Factories Cambodia program was launched. The ILO should do more to keep global buyers like H&M or GAP accountable for poverty wages,' says Dr. Jeroen Merk, Research Coordinator at Clean Clothes Campaign.

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Citation Information

Merk, Jeroen. 10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project. , , . , 2012. Merk, J. (2012). 10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project. , , . Merk, Jeroen. "10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project." 2012, .Merk Jeroen. "10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project." (2012). Merk, J 2012, '10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project', , , . Jeroen Merk, '10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project' (2012). Merk J. 10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project. . 2012. Merk, Jeroen. 10 Years of the Better Factories Cambodia Project. . 2012. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.