Street Vendors in Ahmedabad: Status, Contribution and Challenges

Darshini Mahadevia, Alison Brown, Michal Lyons, Suchita Vyas, Kaushal Jajoo, Aseem Mishra
  • Place of Publication: Ahmedabad
  • Publisher: CEPT University

From the preface: "This Working Paper forms part of the research project, Making Space for the Poor: Law, Rights, Regulation and Street-Trade in the 21st Century, awarded to Cardiff University d by the UK’s Economic & Social Research Council and Department for International Development (UK-Aid) (ESRC/DFID Awards RES-167-25-0591). This working paper reports the findings of fieldwork in Ahmedabad in 2011-2012. This is the second Working Paper of the Centre for Urban Equity from the project. The focus was to explore the characteristics of street vending in Ahmedabad, and vulnerabilities of street vendors as evidenced in harassment, coercion, bribery and eviction, and the associational and response methods adopted to address these problems."

This paper is Working Paper 22 in the CUE Working Papers Series. More information and other related research papers are available on the website of the Center for Urban Equity at CEPT University.

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